Daniel Hronek

  • Position: Chief Nursing Officer of the Lubbock Service Area
  • Faculty Type: Leadership Impact

About Daniel

Do you have a mentor? How did you connect with them?

I do have a mentor, and I met him years ago at another hospital system. We connected as we build a hospital in College Station, Texas in 2012. He would encourage me to be a servant leader and eventually started meeting with me monthly to development my skills. As time passed and I moved to Providence Heath, I realized the importance of selecting a mentor. Selecting a mentor is on of the first steps towards growth in self-care. You must priority your own wellbeing as a leader. Look for someone who you want to be like and are willing to be open and honest with, even if that leads to difficult conversations. Be thoughtful about you select as a mentor and remain open to sharing your knowledge with others who might see you as a mentor.